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The Central/Southern Italian Magic

Our local knowledge is key to picking the right stretch along these famed waters for the perfect conditions on any given day.
When the snowpack recedes in the heat of summer we venture up into the higher mountain streams and secluded alpine lakes.
If you are lucky enough to be a fanatical angler or just love to revel in the grandeur of the natural world at its finest, this is the place for you.
The Apennine Mountains are the rugged backbone of Italy, running right from the outskirts of Genoa in the north to the very edge of the sea in southern Calabria. Overshadowed by the more famous Alps & Dolomites range they remain less developed and wild. Bountiful intact ecosystems that have survived human intervention are found here with some of the best preserved forests and montane grasslands in Europe. In addition to a high diversity of flora and fauna these mountains are one of the last refuges of the big European predators such as the Italian wolf and the Marsican brown bear, now extinct in the rest of Central Europe.
We focus our trout fishing here in the Central Apennines specifically in the regions of Abruzzo and neighbouring Molise. This stretch has the highest peaks and most rugged terrain in the range with a succession of great rivers running toward the Adriatic Sea. Almost half of the Abruzzo’s territory is protected through national parks and nature reserves (more than any administrative region on the continent) leading it to be dubbed "the greenest region in Europe.”
This is quintessential Italy with some of the picturesque villages pre-dating Rome. Their rich history, local culinary traditions, and hospitality are legendary within the country. Celebrated lamb and pork come straight off the grasslands and fresh seafood from the Adriatic Sea. When combined with the local truffles, cheeses, and the region’s olive oil it is no wonder people come for the food alone!
The powerful and plentiful wild brown trout are the target here with special attention paid to searching out the enormous ‘Grandma’. While not found everyday, she is that chance encounter that drives us further into the depths of these mountains. In this part of the world the role of the Grandma within the family controls it all and in the streams this is no exception. When you find her and manage to slide her back into the water it is an unforgettable memory.
This experience can be done from Rome as a day trip with drive times of around two hours. We strongly suggest that you consider an overnight or two in the region however to fully appreciate the Wild Apennines. We would love to put together a stay with our partner hotel and premium guide service so you will be in our hands from breakfast, into the mountains, and right through to your after-dinner digestivo.
If you want to know a bit more, CLICK HERE for an interesting article about fishing (but not only fishing) the Italian Apennines.
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